Thanks for writing I have something to send to a few friends who are potentially salvageable Covidians.
(Maybe change 'resistor' to 'resister'? You can dis a diode all day long and run down a capacitor as far as you like, but resistors are typically immune to vilification.)
I only noticed the "or" because long ago in a galaxy far away, my late wife and I supplied industrial-sized quantities of electronic components to a factory overseas. Long enough ago that I did a quick check to be sure there wasn't any obvious ambivalence in common usage. As far as I could tell, the rest of the spelling, punctuation and grammar in your piece is perfectly unremarkable (aka flawless).
This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen🙄Crazy that you think this mash of anecdotal evidence, gut feelings and misleading, thinly strung arguments is more valid than actual scientists who study this stuff. Oh and lol you probably killed a few ppl by spreading this info.. awkward
Aside from the myriad of contradictions you make in this essay, the one that bothers me most is your (typical) claim that wearing a mask prevents the inhalation of fresh air but allows the passage of the virus.
Lets say you're right and assume one single virion is 6micron.
Heck, lets exaggerate for the sake of this claim and say its actually smaller; 3micron!
Carbon dioxide molecules (thats 2 Oxygen and 1 Carbon) are around 120 picometers. Not only is that 3 million times smaller, but your cells have these atoms inside of them. So you tell me, what about that claim makes sense? The only mask that can 'stop' a virion is an N95, and its not because they're tightly woven. Its because they're chemically treated and statically charged.
There's a lot more wrong here, and its a shame people are circulating an essay you wrote just to vent. Id say have someone who works in biology revise it, then have someone who works in an ER revise it. Or reach out and I'll try to help research -a few of your cited sources have changed the material you referenced, and some others are notorious for publishing unverified information.
Parev, Sahak. Thank you for taking the time to read my essay. If you can cogently--and with full grammatical splendor, apostrophes included--refute all the points made by the doctors and scientists listed below (and I do not mean character assassination based on what their mainstream detractors say, but actual refutation of the science and frontline experience they have demonstrated), then I will gladly enlist you to help me with my research.
These are just a few of the doctors and scientists whose opinions seem worth heeding to me:
Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Alexandra Henrion-Caude, Dr. Jean-Luc Montagnier, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Dr. Paul Thomas, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Brett Weinstein, Dr. Heather Heying, etc. The list goes on, thankfully.
I cannot tell you much, since I haven't done much research on all the differences between the J & J and the others, but if only because it’s one shot instead of two, I’ve been told that the J & J is less problematic than the others. Be well!
Immediate subscription.
Thanks for writing I have something to send to a few friends who are potentially salvageable Covidians.
(Maybe change 'resistor' to 'resister'? You can dis a diode all day long and run down a capacitor as far as you like, but resistors are typically immune to vilification.)
Ha!!! Thank you!!!
I only noticed the "or" because long ago in a galaxy far away, my late wife and I supplied industrial-sized quantities of electronic components to a factory overseas. Long enough ago that I did a quick check to be sure there wasn't any obvious ambivalence in common usage. As far as I could tell, the rest of the spelling, punctuation and grammar in your piece is perfectly unremarkable (aka flawless).
This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen🙄Crazy that you think this mash of anecdotal evidence, gut feelings and misleading, thinly strung arguments is more valid than actual scientists who study this stuff. Oh and lol you probably killed a few ppl by spreading this info.. awkward
Aside from the myriad of contradictions you make in this essay, the one that bothers me most is your (typical) claim that wearing a mask prevents the inhalation of fresh air but allows the passage of the virus.
Lets say you're right and assume one single virion is 6micron.
Heck, lets exaggerate for the sake of this claim and say its actually smaller; 3micron!
Carbon dioxide molecules (thats 2 Oxygen and 1 Carbon) are around 120 picometers. Not only is that 3 million times smaller, but your cells have these atoms inside of them. So you tell me, what about that claim makes sense? The only mask that can 'stop' a virion is an N95, and its not because they're tightly woven. Its because they're chemically treated and statically charged.
There's a lot more wrong here, and its a shame people are circulating an essay you wrote just to vent. Id say have someone who works in biology revise it, then have someone who works in an ER revise it. Or reach out and I'll try to help research -a few of your cited sources have changed the material you referenced, and some others are notorious for publishing unverified information.
-A fellow Armenian in NYC
Parev, Sahak. Thank you for taking the time to read my essay. If you can cogently--and with full grammatical splendor, apostrophes included--refute all the points made by the doctors and scientists listed below (and I do not mean character assassination based on what their mainstream detractors say, but actual refutation of the science and frontline experience they have demonstrated), then I will gladly enlist you to help me with my research.
These are just a few of the doctors and scientists whose opinions seem worth heeding to me:
Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Alexandra Henrion-Caude, Dr. Jean-Luc Montagnier, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Dr. Paul Thomas, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Brett Weinstein, Dr. Heather Heying, etc. The list goes on, thankfully.
You are such a brave, beautiful person!! So many hugs to you
Thank you for your research and bravery. Do you think the J&J injection is less problematic than the mRNA ones? Curious. I appreciate you very much.
Thank you for your kind words.
I cannot tell you much, since I haven't done much research on all the differences between the J & J and the others, but if only because it’s one shot instead of two, I’ve been told that the J & J is less problematic than the others. Be well!
Thank you